1.In the early part of the last century, something of the same conversation was happening in theoretical physics.
2.for the general laws on which the structure of theoretical physics is based claim to be valid for any natural phenomenon whatsoever.
3.I am lucky to be working in theoretical physics, one of the few areas in which disability is not a serious handicap.
4.The Hidden Reality is a first class tour around the state-of-the-art in theoretical physics.
5.Before he won the Nobel Prize, Bohr had already been made head of the Copenhagen Institute for Theoretical Physics.
6.More curious still was the enshrinement of Bohr's response as the official gospel of theoretical physics.
7.is that there are many paths to a fulfilling life. One does not need to be a "genius" to do theoretical physics.
8.The university, near The Hague, says the newly-unearthed paper will be kept in its Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics.
9.He published his first scientific paper at the age of 15, and had received his PhD in theoretical physics from Caltech by the age of 20.
10.Most often, they're used in more abstract fields like philosophy and theoretical physics, where physical experiments aren't possible.